National Novel Writing Month Club

Contact:  Leah Shull          Email:
2018-19 National Novel Writing Month Club

This is your chance to join 400,000 writers across the country as we work towards our goal of writing a novel in just 30 days! For this challenge, you will set your own word count goal to work towards. We kick off in October with an event we call "Preptober." During October, we will meet twice a week and talk about planning for your novel. I will discuss plot, character development, and some tips and tricks I've picked up over the years hosting this event. Then, November 1--it's on! We start writing. We continue meetings twice a week during the month of November to give you dedicated writing time. If you can't come to the meetings, that's ok. You can participate from home! We hope you'll join...the world needs your story!

Meeting times:

Mondays and Wednesdays from 3:00-4:00 during October and November. (Note: We do not have meetings during Fall Break or Thanksgiving Break.)